Thursday, February 13, 2020

Figuring out how to deal with china VO1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Figuring out how to deal with china VO1 - Essay Example Despite the challenge, it was important that the company directly entered into the Chinese internet market. Evidently, the Chinese servers do not get all the information they need from Baidu and that is why they opt for Google when they want materials from outside China. It is also evident that the success of Baidu and the apparent failure of Google in China are just but a perception. There are therefore chances that Google can do something to change this perception and experience some success as well by making improvement its content and adopting a Chinese name. Based on the 1997-2005 statistics of internet usage and access in China, the Chinese internet market is large and fast growing. According to information from the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC, 2005), Chinese internet market grew from 0 in 1997 to about 10 million by the beginning of 2000. Within the next two years, this had risen to over 35 million and by the second half of 2005, this figure was already over 100 million. At the same time, the number of users with broadband access is rising at an attractive rate. This figure grew to almost five million in its first year, 2002, and by the second half of 2005, it was over 50 million. The rate of growth of broadband users is faster. However, the actual size and growth of the Chinese market is larger than this given that the figures do not include users in Macao, Taiwan and Hong Kong. The figures were also obtained via fixed-line telephones and this means the study did not fully capture the actual market represented by the young people. The Google search service has evolved one that was less reliable to a more reliable search service. Since its establishment, the Google search service aimed at improving offering superior search experiences than those of Yahoo and Vista (Lawrence, 2009). Currently, the search service offers super-fast results that are highly matched and more relevant

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